This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu on the left/at the top. Check your current version with the following command:
composer show lacodix/laravel-model-filter
Select Filter
On this page
Create the filter
php artisan make:filter TestSelectFilter -t select -f fieldname
this creates a filter class that extends SelectFilter
namespace App\Models\Filters;
use Lacodix\LaravelModelFilter\Filters\SelectFilter;
class TestSelectFilter extends SelectFilter
protected string $field = 'fieldname';
public function options(): array
// add the allowed values here
return [
A fieldname must be set, this will apply a where query to the model-query where fieldname equals the given value.
The options function must be implemented, given values for the filter will be removed if not contained in this array.
You can simply use other model ids for the options
public function options(): array
return OtherModel::query()
If you want to use different key and values for the options, keep in mind that the filters expect the values for filtering in the values of the returned array. The keys are only used for visualisation in the select input fields.
public function options(): array
return OtherModel::query()
->pluck('id', 'title')
If you want to give multiple values to filter for, you can set the mode to CONTAINS
public FilterMode $mode = FilterMode::CONTAINS;
with this mode you can filter for multiple values. All models that fit to one of the given options will be found. It is still comparing the model column against the given filter values. To get it working in your views, you have to name the input element as an array, see select.blade.php for an example when using the multiple option.
Filter Modes
- FilterMode::EQUAL
- FilterMode::CONTAINS