
Advanced Usage

Finally you can use our internal OrScope directly. This can be useful for all cases where you already have multiple scope classes that you want to combine with an or.

use Lacodix\LaravelGlobalOrScope\Scopes\OrScope;

$orScope = new OrScope([new Scope1()), new Scope2())])

$query->withGlobalScope('or_scope', $orScope);

This is exactly what our withGlobalOrScopes method on the query builder does. But with that in mind you can even apply more complex scope combinations like this:

$orScope1 = new OrScope([new Scope1()), new Scope2())])
$orScope2 = new OrScope([new Scope3()), new Scope4())])

$query->withGlobalScope('or_scope1', $orScope1);
$query->withGlobalScope('or_scope2', $orScope2);

This will result in a query applying

(SCOPE1 or SCOPE2) and (SCOPE3 or SCOPE4)

Sometimes you already have applied one Scope to your model on the classic way: But for some cases in your application you need this scope combined with another by or condition. Just do this:

class Post extends Model
    public static function boot(): void

First we remove the solo Scope1::class and re add it in the second step, combined with a new one via OrScope.

        ->withGlobalOrScopes([new Scope1(), new Scope2()]);