
Register Global Or Scopes

There are multiple ways of registering global scopes that shall use or conditions.

The most common use case is registering a global scope on booting the model. Therefor just add our Trait to your model and finally add the global scopes to your model.

ATTENTION: to make our trait work, the global scopes must be registered before the boot()-method of the base Eloquent model is called. The easy way is using the booting-method of your model.

class Post extends Model
    use GlobalOrScope;

    public static function booting(): void
        static::addGlobalOrScopes([Scope1::class, Scope2::class]);

But you can also go with the boot method if you ensure to run parent::boot() after registering the global scopes.

class Post extends Model
    use GlobalOrScope;

    public static function boot(): void
        static::addGlobalOrScopes([Scope1::class, Scope2::class]);

You can also add one single scope, what doesn't make really sense. But if you want to use a loop for registering it might be the correct way.

class Post extends Model
    use GlobalOrScope;
    protected static array $mySpecialScopes = [

    public static function boot(): void
        foreach (static::$mySpecialScopes as $scope) {

You can use all type of scopes that are know from laravel, with and without keys.

class Post extends Model
    use GlobalOrScope;

    public static function boot(): void
        static::addGlobalOrScope(new Scope1());
        static::addGlobalOrScope('my_scope', new Scope1());
        static::addGlobalOrScope('my_closure_scope', function ($query) {
            $query->where('email', '');

You can also add global scopes with or condition on the fly by using the query builder. In this case you even don't need the GlobalOrScope trait. You can just apply scopes on every model query:

Post::query()->withGlobalOrScopes([new Scope1, new Scope2]);

ATTENTION: like in laravels base functionality (withGlobalScope) you need to add initialized scopes, not only classnames.

It is also possible to combine the global or scopes with normal global scopes.

class Post extends Model
    use GlobalOrScope;

    public static function boot(): void
        static::addGlobalOrScopes([Scope1::class, Scope2::class]);

You can get all registered global scopes of a model:
